Let's Go Back to the Bible

What kind of people drive you nuts?

Ok, admit it. There are some people that just have a knack for getting under your skin. What kinds of folks really irritate you? Young people? Old people? Slow people? Fast people? Rich people? Poor people? Talkative people? Loud people? Quiet people? Smart people? Not-so-smart people? Busy people? Lazy  people? Opinionated people? Non-opinionated people? Serious people? Silly people? People like you? People not like you?

Here’s a newsflash for all of us: People are different! Not everyone is like us. Not everyone is the kind of person with whom we’d prefer to associate. HOWEVER, every person (even the really irritating ones) has been created in the image of God (Col. 1:16; Gen. 1:26-27)! God created every single human being for His glory (Isa. 43:7)! God wants every single human being to be saved by the blood of His Son (1 Tim. 2:3-6)!

People may drive you nuts, but how many people do you drive nuts? And, I wonder, if in some way, each of us don’t drive God nuts! Let’s treat each other as God’s creations!