Let's Go Back to the Bible

“What a Friend we have”

Who is your Best Friend? He’s the One who bears all of our sins and griefs! He’s the one who eases our trials, temptations, trouble, sorrows and weakness! He’s the One who is the strong refuge for the weak and heavy-laden, who will take you in His arms and shield you! What a Friend! Truly, there’s not a Friend like Jesus! He’s the One who can heal all our soul’s diseases! He’s the One who is always near us, and His love can always cheer us! He’s the One who knows all about our struggles! How thankful we should be that these words were penned by Joseph Scriven (in 1855) and R.E. Campbell (in 1907) and have been engraved on our souls for many years! The words have been engraved because they’re based upon God’s truth!

Is Jesus your Friend? Your Best Friend? Abraham was “called the friend of God” because he “believed” and practiced “righteousness” before God (Jas. 2:23). Jesus said that He laid down His “life for His friends,” and we can be called His “friends” if we “do whatever” He commands us (John 15:13-14). What a Friend! WHAT…A…FRIEND!