Let's Go Back to the Bible

They turned to God for what?

For what reason do people turn to God? Perhaps some turn to God because they are scared of going to hell. Others probably turn to God so that they can go to heaven. Some turn because they hear about God’s love for them and what He did, and they in turn love the Lord and want to be His child. Some turn perhaps out of sense of obligation, or perhaps a sense of guilt. Many (maybe a majority) turn to God because of what they can receive.

When Paul wrote his first letter to the Christians in Thessalonica, he praised them for a number of things, including “how [they] turned to God from idols to SERVE the living and true God” (1 Thess. 1:9). They turned to God for the stated purpose that they might SERVE God! It was NOT just what they could “get out of it”! They turned to God so that they could GIVE back to Him! What a concept! Do we have that heart?

Why did you turn to God? Why do you now belong to God? Is it to SERVE Him? Ponder that for a moment.