Let's Go Back to the Bible

They have left “their senses”

Have you listened to or read any news reports lately and had the thought, “They’ve left their senses!”? Have you heard someone on the TV or radio talk about the Bible and had the thought, “They’ve left their senses!”? The Bible says that is exactly what has happened!

Paul warned his friend, Timothy, about those who “spread” a false message, “strayed concerning the truth” and “resist the truth” (2 Tim. 2:17, 18; 3:8). In this context, he calls upon servants of the Lord to humbly correct “those who are in opposition…that they may know the truth, and that they may come to their senses and escape the snare of the devil” (2:25-26). God says that those who stray from and resist His truth (on any matter) have left “their senses” and need to come back. Think about that! They no longer have “their senses.”

Our responsibility is to unashamedly stand for truth and help those who are in error to see the senselessness of their rejection of truth and to “come to their senses.” Hard? Yes! But essential!