Let's Go Back to the Bible

The long-term impact of one small decision

King David made a decision in 2 Samuel 11, which may have seemed insignificant at the time, but had a dramatic impact on the rest of his life. Instead of going out to battle, which is where the king should have been, David remained at Jerusalem (11:1). Seems innocent enough, right? But, what long-term impact did that one small decision make in his life?

As a result of not being where he was supposed to be, David “saw” (and watched) “a woman bathing” (11:2), “lay with” the woman who was not his wife (11:3-4), deceived the husband of this woman (11:6-8), got this same man drunk (11:13), and then had this man killed in battle (11:14-17). A seemingly inconsequential decision had serious consequences–David was informed, “The sword shall never depart from your house” (2 Sam. 12:10).

Every day of our lives we make decisions–some “big” and some “small.” Every decision we make (i.e., every “seed” sown) will have consequences (i.e., a reaping) (Gal. 6:7).