Let's Go Back to the Bible

The holy day is coming!

The Jews, following the Old Testament law, had annual feast days and “holy days,” but Christians, following the New Testament, have no authorized annual “holy days.”  Instead, God instituted holy days for Christians that are much more frequent (not even quarterly or monthly).  The Jews’ holy days corresponded to a major event in their history or lives (e.g., deliverance from Egypt, the giving of the law, dedication of the temple, blessings and protection of God, etc.).  The holy day for Christians also corresponds to a major event – the resurrection of Jesus.

“Now when He rose early on the first day of the week…” (Mark 16:9).  “Now on the first day of the week…the disciples came together to break bread…” (Acts 20:7).  Jesus rose from the dead on the first day of the week.  Christians honor, celebrate and remember that day on the first day of every week.  When do we focus on His resurrection?  Every Sunday!  When do we focus on His death?  Every Sunday, when we communion with Him in the Lord’s Supper.

So, where will you be on the holiest day of the (not year!) week?