Let's Go Back to the Bible

The deeper you go, the higher you’ll go

As Paul was encouraging the church in Colosse in “the steadfastness of [their] faith in Christ” (Col. 2:5), he urged them to focus intently on what they had “received” (2:6)—i.e., “been taught” (2:7)—regarding “Christ Jesus our Lord” and to “so walk in Him” (2:6). He did not want their faith to waver, so he appealed to them to have their faith “firmly rooted” in Christ (2:7). They needed to work to grow their faith deeper and deeper in Christ. Superficial faith wasn’t enough. Because Paul knew that the deeper and more firmly their faith was “rooted” in Christ and in His Word, the stronger and the higher they would be “built up in Him” (2:7). There is a direct correlation between one’s depth in God’s Word and one’s height in faith and service.

Have you leveled off in your faith and service? Are you not any higher today than you were last year or even a few years ago? Your height in faith and service is tied directly to your depth in His Word. The deeper you go and the longer you stay there, the stronger and higher you’ll go in serving Him!