Let's Go Back to the Bible

The Bible is not that hard to understand

There are some folks who want to make the Bible out to be this overly complicated, mystically complex book that is highly difficult to understand. Are there “some things hard to understand” in it (cf. 2 Pet. 3:16)? Yes. Some. And the Bible acknowledges that. But note that it does not say, “Impossible to understand” or “You’ll never understand.”

When Satan asked Eve what God had said, Eve recited exactly what God had said (Gen. 3:1-3). It was not difficult or complex. It did not require higher education or years of study to know or understand. It was only after Satan twisted it (see 2 Peter 3:16 again) that Eve disobeyed it. 

Friends, what the Bible says about morality is not hard to understand. What the Bible teaches about salvation is not hard to understand. What the Bible tells us to do in the worship and service of our God is not hard to understand. It’s only when Satan makes us think that we are “God” (Gen. 3:5) and know better that things go awry! Truly, God’s Word “gives understanding to the simple” (Psa. 119:130).