Let's Go Back to the Bible

Thank God for dirty diapers!

On certain days when you walk past the baby nursery at the church, you can know if there were some babies at church on Sunday. Not because of  any kind of noise or because of a cluttered room. But because there is a special aroma that fills the air, emitting from the diaper pail. Some might say, “That smells horrible!” Or, you could say, “Thank God the church has babies!”

Before his passing, a longtime church member used to include in his public prayers on Sundays something like this, “God, thank you for the sick.” What?! No! We PRAY FOR the sick, not GIVE THANKS for them! That’s backwards! But, his prayer continued: “…Thank you for the sick, that we might have an opportunity to minister to them.” Well, that’s different.

Sometimes, just a little change in perspective can make a huge difference! Are you always looking for the negative? Is it possible to find something positive and something for which to give thanks, even in the least likely place? Try it! “In everything give thanks” (1 Thess. 5:18)!