Let's Go Back to the Bible

Take heed how you hear

Mark and Luke record a statement of Jesus after He told the Parable of the Sower. Luke records that Jesus said, “Take heed how you hear” (8:18). Mark records that Jesus said, “Take heed what you hear” (4:24). In the context, Jesus is emphasizing the importance of measuring carefully what one hears, whether that be Scriptural matters or worldly matters. We must be critical listeners, intent on paying discerning attention to what is being said.  2019-04-15-Take-heed-how-you-hear

Jesus’ words have application to so many aspects of our lives. Sometimes we hear a bit of information but we don’t “take heed what we hear.” Sometimes we believe everything we’re told and we don’t “take heed how we hear.” It is essential that we learn to ask ourselves some questions: “Is this true? Am I sure? Is there something that maybe I’m not being told? Is this something that I actually need to hear? Why is this person telling me this? Should I be listening to this person? What makes them a credible source?” Friend, take heed how you hear!