Let's Go Back to the Bible

Take a minute to refresh and remember

Do the latest news reports have you worried about what’s going on? Are the stresses of your job becoming more unbearable? Is there family tension that is causing you to feel increased levels of anxiety? Are your personal finances not enough to meet increased expenses? Are you stressed, anxious, worried, overwhelmed, maybe even a bit panicked?

For 60 seconds, take a pause. Take two deep breaths. Shut out everything. Shut off everything. Think of two ways that God has blessed you just today. Think of two simple (30-second) ways you could make a positive difference in someone else’s day (who may be experiencing similar life issues). Talk to the Lord in simple terms, “Lord, I need you. I want you. I love you. Please, help me.” Remember that with the Lord, there is “relief,” “mercy,” “favor,” “good,” “gladness,” “peace” and “safety” (Psalm 4).

Is everything still going to be “going wrong” after these 60 seconds? Perhaps. But “put your trust in the Lord” (4:5) and He will “lift up the light of [His] face upon [you]” (4:6).