Let's Go Back to the Bible

Run-off election

In the elections that were held yesterday, there was one race that was, as the media announced it, “too close to call.”  There were two candidates who made their cases to the people, and when the votes were tabulated, there was no clear choice among the people.  So, now it’s back to the polls again, to see if a majority consensus can be achieved.

Is there any spiritual application that can come from this?  In the lives of some people, the race between godliness (God-like-ness) and worldliness (world-like-ness) is “too close to call.”  There does not appear to be a clear choice, so there is a constant run-off election.  On a daily basis, their conduct, attitudes and speech go to the polls, and every day the race is just “too close to call.”  Some days it looks like God-like-ness is going to overcome; then other days it looks like world-like-ness had triumphed.

Who is winning at your polls?  Need a run-off election?  Are you hot, cold or lukewarm?