Let's Go Back to the Bible

“We don’t need to go to church”

The following conversation was overheard in a men’s restroom on a Sunday afternoon in another state:

Little boy to his father: “Dad, why is everybody so fancy here?”

Father doesn’t respond to the question.

Little boy to his father: “Dad, why is everybody so fancy here?”

Father: “Because they went to church this morning and dressed up for it.”

Little boy: “Oh.” [pause] “Dad, why don’t we go to church?”

Father: “We don’t need to go to church, son.”

Brethren, the world that we are trying to reach with the gospel is growing up being told, “We don’t need to go to church.” We need to help them to come to know Jesus, to love Jesus and to want to please Jesus. In the process, hopefully they will learn of the glorious nature of the body/church of Jesus Christ! Those who truly love Him will come to love her!