Let's Go Back to the Bible

“I will build my church”

Oh, how simple! With less than a year to live, Jesus announced, “I will build My church” (Matt. 16:18). It was obviously not a denomination of some sort–it was His church! It was obviously not a man-made organization–it was His church! It was obviously not a tradition-entrenched  institution–it was His church! Now, that’s the church I’d like to see!

As one reads the rest of the New Testament, he finds how Jesus did build His church and how Jesus gave detailed instructions regarding every element of His church (its doctrine, its organization, its name, its worship, its membership, its work, etc.). It is so thrilling to go back and read how it all started and see what Jesus’ church looked like when it was first established.

Jesus’ church still exists today (Matt. 16:18 + Dan. 2:44)! But, it is not found in human denominations, founded upon human doctrines and entrenched in human traditions. It is found by simply going back to the Bible and restoring His church today, exactly as He established it and exactly as He intended it! It can be done! It is being done! It must be done!