Let's Go Back to the Bible

On everyone’s wish list

Can you think of something that you absolutely always want and expect others to give to you, but you are hesitant and stubborn to give to anyone else? Wow! That could be a lot of things, right? Go ahead and start that list. But think about putting this on the top of that list – the benefit of the doubt. You always want and expect others to give the benefit of the doubt to you, don’t you? But how often do you extend it to others?

Agape love is not optional for Christians! We are to demonstrate (it’s not merely a feeling) this unconditional, unselfish, sacrificial love to our brethren (John 13:34-35) and our enemies (Matt. 5:44). This love operates “in lowliness of mind” to “esteem others better than” self, and to look out “for the interests of others” (Phil. 2:3-4). Do a self-inventory on these next phrases.

Agape love “bears all things” (overlooks faults). Do you? It “believes all things” (eager to believe the best and is not suspicious). Do you? It “hopes all things” (in all circumstances). Do you? It “endures all things” (more than a lot, without accusation or abandonment). Do you?