Let's Go Back to the Bible

Most feel it is morally acceptable

It would not surprise you (or probably even bother or catch your attention) to find out that 89% of Americans believe that birth control is morally acceptable or that 59% believe that wearing clothing made of animal fur is morally acceptable. But it’s some of the other things, that this Gallup poll found that Americans believe are morally acceptable, which should get our attention, such as: divorce (72%), sex between an unmarried man and woman (67%), having a baby outside of marriage (62%), gay or lesbian relations (60%).

Those numbers, as you would expect, are on the rise! The acceptance of these moral issues in our nation is not on the decline, which means that standing for and defending BIBLICAL and CHRISTIAN values and standards is going to become more necessary and, likely, more difficult. Are you ready? Are you up for the challenge? We must NOT blend in to the moral depravity around us (Rom. 12:2) or show acceptance of it (2 John 9-11), but we must shine forth as the light and image of Jesus Christ (Matt. 5:16; Gal. 2:20). May God help us do just that!