Let's Go Back to the Bible

Maybe we pick on Peter and Thomas too much

The apostles Peter and Thomas are sometimes remembered for only one thing–Peter’s denials and Thomas’ doubting. Hence, we sometimes give each of them a hard time for breakdowns in their faith. However, if that is all we know about these
men, we do not actually know these men!

When Jesus predicted Peter’s three-fold denial, we sometimes focus on Peter’s hasty reply, “I will not deny You!” (Matt. 26:34-35). But, how did he lead into that vow? Think soberly about these words–“Even if I have to die with You…” Would you, could you have said that? Just a few months earlier, as Jesus intended to go and raise Lazarus in the perilous region where His life was being sought, Thomas declared (think soberly about these words), “Let us also go, that we may die with Him” (John 11:16). Would you, could you have said that?

We might give these men a hard time, but do we have that level of faith? Is following Jesus and being true to Him MORE important than our very lives? This demands a response.