Let's Go Back to the Bible

Look, God put it right there in front of you!

The Lord had great things to say to and about the church in Philadelphia in Revelation 3:7-13. Because of their faithfulness in keeping His commandments, Jesus revealed unto them, “See, I have set before you an open door…” (Rev. 3:8). It is first interesting to note that their diligent service did not lead the Lord to say, “That’s enough for now. Go and take a break.” Instead, their faithful service had opened more doors of opportunities for them to  serve.

Paul often emphasized that God opened doors for him, even describing it on one occasion as “a great and effective door” (1 Cor. 16:9; Acts 14:27; 2 Cor. 2:12). He asked the Colossian brethren to pray “that God would open to us a door for the word” (Col. 4:3).

God has opened doors of opportunity before each of us — to grow spiritually, to teach others, to influence others, to serve others, etc. Are we stepping through those doors? Are we excitedly accepting the opportunities that God opens before us? If not, why not?