Let's Go Back to the Bible

Leaders who get their hands dirty

One of the greatest collective efforts of God’s people in Biblical history was the rebuilding of the wall around Jerusalem in only fifty-two days under the direction of Nehemiah. The third chapter of Nehemiah is an exciting scene to envision, as each family and group was assigned a certain section of the wall to repair. It is heartening to read that it was not just the workers or the lowly folks involved in the building, but there were many leaders who got their hands dirty in working side-by-side in this monumental endeavor (Neh. 3:9, 12, 14; 15, 16, 17, 18, 19).

However, not all leaders were willing. The Tekoties were an industrious people, who made repairs to their first section and then went and “repaired another section” (3:5, 27). How much more could (or would) they have done if their leaders had stepped up? Nevertheless, “their nobles did not put their shoulders to the work of their Lord” (3:5). What an epitaph!

May leaders today (all leaders, great and small) put their shoulders to the work of the Lord!