Let's Go Back to the Bible

It doesn’t cost you a thing to be nice!

We live in such a self-centered world! Everything has to revolve around “me.” Everyone needs to be concerned about “my” rights. Everyone needs to be conscious of “my” time and “my” efforts. And, if you invade “my” space and affect “my” day, you’d better watch out! I mean it!

To my fellow Christians, we need to remember that life on this earth (the full expanse of our existence here and the individual moments in each of our days) is NOT about “me”! My purpose and focus is to reflect Jesus! My goal is to put others (all of them) above “me”!

The entry level (i.e., the first steps) of treating others like Jesus is simply to be nice and kind! That includes everyone, including those to whom it is difficult to be nice! During your day, when someone makes a mistake that impacts you, or someone asks for a favor from you, or someone else’s bad day encroaches on your efforts to survive your day, or someone inconveniences you in a small or large way, ask yourself: “Would Jesus be nice?” And you know the answer!