Let's Go Back to the Bible

“I wish so-and-so was here”

Have you ever read a book and thought, “So-and-so would really like this”? Have you ever gone to an event and thought, “So-and-so should have come—they would have loved this”? Or, maybe you’ve thought, “I wish so-and-so was here—this would have been really enjoyable together”? As Christians, we, no doubt, think something like that often about our friends.

In 1969, Kurt F. Kaiser wrote a hymn that has this as the first part of the last verse: “I wish for you, my friends, this happiness that I’ve found.” How often do we think about the “happiness” that we have found in Christ and “wish” it for all of our friends? How often do we “sit in church” and wish we had invited so-and-so to be there with us that day? Do you suppose that we will sit in heaven one day and think, “I wish so-and-so was here with me”?

Wishes are great, but what are we doing about them? May our wishes motivate us to act and to speak. “Friend, I wish for you this happiness that I’ve found. Will you come with me?”