Let's Go Back to the Bible

Happy Survival Day!

We celebrate birthdays and anniversaries. We celebrate holidays for all sorts of reasons. We celebrate the end of war and being cancer free. But, have you ever celebrated your survival?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the leading cause of death (“by far,” they say) among children (ages 0-19) is accidents (or unintentional injuries), which leads to more than 12,000 deaths annually. However, I beg to differ with this being “the leading cause.”

For those who want to be honest about the facts and define terms in a sensical, literal and Biblical sense, the leading cause of death among children in the United States is abortion, killing nearly one million children every year (totaling around 60 million since 1973). So, to those who have been born since 1973, don’t just celebrate your “Birth Day”! Celebrate your “Survival Day”! You made it! You survived! Now, pray for those precious unborn souls who want to have their own “Survival Day”! Pray for those mothers who hold a child’s survival in their very hand!