Let's Go Back to the Bible

God will hear from heaven and then what?

At the dedication of the temple in the Old Testament, Solomon “stood before the altar of the Lord in the presence of all the assembly” and prayed to the Lord a most heart-searching prayer (2 Chron. 6:12-42). In this prayer, Solomon looked down through the ages to times when God’s people would fail Him in a variety of ways and would call upon Him. Solomon had absolute confidence in his God and knew unmistakably that He would “hear from heaven and forgive” (5 times in 6:21, 25, 27, 30, 39), “hear from heaven and act” (6:23), “hear from heaven and do” (6:33), “hear from heaven and give” (6:30), “hear from heaven and maintain their cause” (6:35, 39). Read through the chapter and mark every time that Solomon used the word “hear” or “listen” in his prayer and then mark the action verb that followed, showing the Lord’s active response to what He heard.

Guess what? You, too, can know unmistakably that YOUR God will “hear from heaven” and act, do, give, maintain and forgive! He longs to let His “eyes be open” and His “ears be attentive to [your] prayer” (6:40). What a thought!