Let's Go Back to the Bible

God is with you at work!

Some Christians endure much hardship in their workplace—from their boss, coworkers, clientele, etc. It breaks my heart to hear of the mistreatments that many have experienced.

Can I remind you what happened to Jacob? Well, he worked for his father-in-law. That might have been a recipe for trouble from the beginning. It started out well, but things changed. Laban’s “countenance…was not favorable to him as before” (Gen. 31:2, 5). Jacob “served” “with all his might” and did the best he could (31:5), but things did not improve. Laban “deceived” him and “changed [his] wages ten times” (31:7). Does any of that sound familiar? Have you been mistreated on the job? 

Underline three statements and remember these when you go to work: (1) Even in all of this, Jacob said, “But the God of my father has been with me” (31:5). (2) The Lord told him, “I have seen all that Laban is doing to you” (31:12). (3) Jacob realized, “God did not allow him to hurt me” (31:7). Remember in all that happens, God is with you, sees it all and protects you.