Some Christians endure much hardship in their workplace—from their boss, coworkers, clientele, etc. It breaks my heart to hear of the mistreatments that many have experienced.
Can I remind you what happened to Jacob? Well, he worked for his father-in-law. That might have been a recipe for trouble from the beginning. It started out well, but things changed. Laban’s “countenance…was not favorable to him as before” (Gen. 31:2, 5). Jacob “served” “with all his might” and did the best he could (31:5), but things did not improve. Laban “deceived” him and “changed [his] wages ten times” (31:7). Does any of that sound familiar? Have you been mistreated on the job?
Underline three statements and remember these when you go to work: (1) Even in all of this, Jacob said, “But the God of my father has been with me” (31:5). (2) The Lord told him, “I have seen all that Laban is doing to you” (31:12). (3) Jacob realized, “God did not allow him to hurt me” (31:7). Remember in all that happens, God is with you, sees it all and protects you.