Let's Go Back to the Bible

God doesn’t use gift cards!

The emergence of gift cards into the market place has altered gift giving for many people. In some ways, gift cards have taken the thought and effort out of gift buying. No extra time or energy is required to wrap or ship. Just stick it in an envelope. It’s almost effortless.

Receiving gift cards has likewise altered the gift experience. Now, with a gift card, the recipient can choose whatever they want. They don’t have to worry if they’re going to like the gift, because they get to decide what it will be for themselves.

Is it possible that this mentality has crept into our Christian lives? When it comes to giving to God, do we sometimes look for the “easy” or “effortless” option, requiring very little of us? When it comes to receiving gifts from God, do we ever want to decide what it will be for ourselves, conforming it to our personal preferences? Guess what. That’s not the way Christianity works! It requires diligence (2 Pet. 1:5-11). It requires conformity (Col. 3:1-17). Think about it.