Let's Go Back to the Bible

God comforts the downcast

Here is how Paul described his state of mind in Second Corinthians chapter 7. He had had “no rest” (7:5). Sound familiar? He was “troubled on every side,” as “outside were conflicts” and “inside were fears” (7:5). Truly, Paul felt “downcast” (7:6). Have you been there before?

But notice how verse 6 begins. While Paul was troubled, the next verse says, “Nevertheless God…” Think about that in your life. When you’re dealing with “no rest,” “trouble on every side,” “conflicts” and “fears,” NEVERTHELESS GOD! There is something (yea, SOMEONE) in your life Who is a steady, reliable, fortifying constant!

“Nevertheless God, who comforts the downcast, comforted us by the coming of Titus” (7:6). The word “downcast” indicates one who is “low on the ground.” And when you are “low on the ground,” God is there (always!) to pick you up and comfort you, through His Word, through His promises, through His presence and through His people! Don’t ever forget that!