Let's Go Back to the Bible

For better or worse

A New York Post article recently stated, “Divorce rates have spiked in the U.S. during the coronavirus pandemic as couples have been stuck at home for months…The combination of stress, unemployment, financial strain, death of loved ones, illness, homeschooling children, mental illnesses, and more has put a significant strain on relationships.”

There are some things, when you get married, that you just don’t see coming. A pandemic would certainly be one example. But, is a pandemic the “worst” thing that can happen to a relationship? Marriage is not a game. It is not something to rush into. It is not something to take lightly, with plans to bail if it doesn’t work out. Marriage is a lifelong commitment.

The Creator of marriage designed it to be “until death do us part” (cf. Gen. 2:24; Matt. 19:6; Rom. 7:4). May God help us to respect His plan, to love His plan, to follow His plan, to enjoy His plan, and to ask for His help to stick to His plan. Let us give our best to our marriages!