Let's Go Back to the Bible

College: The most expensive part

It is not a new revelation to you that college is an expensive venture. It takes a significant sum of savings to pay for all that is involved: tuition, room, board, textbooks, labs, supplies, activities, clothes, transportation, etc., etc. It can cost an arm and a leg to get a degree these days!

But, for the moment, put all of that aside. Do you know what is the most expensive part of college for some people? It’s not the withdraws from their bank account but the withdraw from their God in heaven! Too many college students leave college with a diploma but not with Jesus! Somewhere between their freshman arrival and their graduation day they set their faith aside and grew wiser in the ways of the world rather than stronger in their devotion to the Lord.

This is not just true of college students! How many Christians have allowed work and worldly pursuits to separate them from their God? Friends, check your account! Examine yourselves! College (and life) is expensive, but don’t let it cost you your soul!