Let's Go Back to the Bible

Church for sale

You’ve seen signs that indicate a house is for sale, or property or a building is for sale, but have you ever seen a sign indicating a church is for sale? Maybe you have. Maybe you’ve seen a “For Sale” sign in front of a religious complex. But, that’s not such a big deal, because it’s only the structure that is being sold. What is a big deal is when a church is actually for sale!

But how can an actual church be for sale? This is happening all too frequently today. In an effort to “reach more people” and to “appeal to the masses,” some churches are “selling themselves” to whatever the “people” and “the masses” want. The Community Church movement had its origin in asking the community what they wanted in a church (and what they didn’t want), and then giving them precisely what they asked for in a church.

Nearly 2,000 years ago the church was “purchased” by the blood of Jesus Christ (Acts 20:28)! He alone has a right to tell the church what He wants! Let’s not sell it to anyone else!