Let's Go Back to the Bible

By osmosis?

How can I really learn the Bible, write it on my heart and allow it to increase my faith?  Suppose I buy one of those pocket-sized New Testaments and keep it in my back pocket at all times—will that do it?  Suppose I keep my Bible on my nightstand, right next to my clock—will that work?  Suppose I tuck my Bible under my pillow every night and sleep on the Word—will that help me grow?  Suppose I hang around the preacher all the time—will that give me all I need?  Suppose I could go to a lectureship and hang around a whole flock of preachers (do preachers come in flocks or herds?)—will that be enough to build my knowledge and my faith?

In life, we look for shortcuts in nearly every task we undertake.  But, in the all-important, unequalled task of really learning the Bible, writing it on our hearts and allowing it to increase our faith, the old-fashioned way is the only way!  “Blessed is the man…[whose] delight is in the law of the Lord, and in His law he meditates day and night” (Psa. 1:1-2).  Faith comes not by osmosis, but by hearing, reading and studying the Word of God (Rom. 10:17)!