Let's Go Back to the Bible

Baptize a baby?

Unfortunately the doctrine and practice of infant baptism has widely influenced the minds and thinking of many people.  In fact, that false doctrine (based upon John Calvin’s manmade doctrine of the total depravity of newborns) influenced the mis-“translation” (not actually a translation!) of Psalm 51:5 in the New International Version.  Consider the following.

One truth:  The practice of infant baptism shows that there are some who do believe that baptism is essential for salvation, as is taught in Mark 16:16, Acts 2:38, Acts 22:16, etc.

One untruth:  The practice of infant baptism is prevalent because many believe that infants are in need of salvation.  However, they are not!

Children are born innocent (Matt. 18:3), they do not inherit any sin from their parents (Ezek. 18:20), and they are only responsible to God for sins that they themselves commit (2 Cor. 5:10).  Let us resolve to do Bible things only in Bible ways.