Let's Go Back to the Bible

Are you a black Christian or a white Christian?

Our society is doing its very best to divide people, to force everyone into one-side-versus-the-other-side, to stir up hatred toward others, and to punish anyone who has “a differing opinion” on something. Brother and sister in Christ, people in our country are trying to get you to see everything and everyone through the lens of someone’s skin pigmentation. Brethren, please don’t be drawn into man’s way of identifying, evaluating and treating others. We must remain strong and strive to identify, evaluate and treat others AS CHRIST DOES!

As Christians, we wear a name that is not “black” or “white”! In Christ, those identities have been stripped away! In the first-century church, there were no “Jewish Christians” or “Gentile Christians”—to divide and differentiate between two ethnicities (Gal. 3:28)! There were only CHRISTIANS! That’s the only identity that matters! Friend, you need to decide “if you are Christ’s” (Gal. 3:29) or not. Those who “are Christ’s” are only concerned about how He identifies, evaluates and treats others (John 3:16; Rom. 5:8; Heb. 2:9; Acts 10:34-35; 1 Tim. 2:4)!