Let's Go Back to the Bible

Another half-a-year…gone!

Can you believe that this year is half gone as of today?  Where did it go?  New Year’s Eve was just a couple weeks ago!  Wasn’t it?  How can July be here already?

As you reflect back over the last six months, think about a few questions:

What have you done for God in the last 181 days?
How many days (of the 181) have you given to God?
How many lost souls have heard the gospel from you?
How many brethren have you called, written or visited?

Ok, so half-a-year is gone.  But, what will you do with the next half-a-year?  What will you do for God?  How many days will you give Him?  How many lost souls will you pursue with the gospel?  With how many brethren will you enjoy time and fellowship?  Guess what God is giving you in the next six months—3 extra days!  184 days are left this year.  What’ll you do with them?