Let's Go Back to the Bible

And we survive

Could you survive without chocolate? Some of you say, “No!” Could you survive without coffee or caffeine? “Are you kidding?!” Could you survive without the internet? “Have you gone mad?!” More serious, could you survive without water? Without oxygen? Obviously not!

Get even more serious. Could you survive without God? Some might say, “Well, it depends on what you mean by survive. Obviously, I could survive. It’s not like I’m going to die or anything.”

We sing a song a lot that we really like. It says, “There is beyond the azure blue a God!” Amen! It says, “There is a God, He is alive!” Amen! But, we also sing with great gusto, “In Him we live AND WE SURVIVE.” Do you mean that when you sing it? Could you survive without Christ? Could you survive outside of Christ? Think long and hard. How critical to your survival on a day-to-day basis is your relationship with Christ? If you could survive without Him (even for a little while), then do you really have Him? “In Him we live and move and have our being” (Acts 17:28; cf. Eph. 1:3, 7)!