Let's Go Back to the Bible

A mountain surrounded by the Mountain

The second psalm ends by saying, “Blessed are all those who put their trust in Him.”  Numerous and multifold are those blessings, but consider these two from the first two verses of Psalm 125.

“Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be moved, but abides forever.” The one who truly puts his trust in the Lord is like a mountain, for his Foundation is solid, firm and unshakable.  Thus, he himself cannot be moved.  How strong, steady and committed is your trust in the Lord?  Do you feel like a mountain that cannot be moved?

“As the mountains surround Jerusalem, So the Lord surrounds His people…” As one who unreservedly puts his trust in the Lord, you are not only a mountain—you are surrounded by THE Mountain!  The city of Jerusalem was situated on a mountain and surrounded by valleys which led to the surrounding mountains, thus fortifying and securing the city from its enemies.  You are surrounded.  You are protected.  As long as you remain within the Lord!