Let's Go Back to the Bible

Women have a right to choose. Right?

Ladies, it is being pressed upon you by our culture that your body is your body and you get to choose to do whatever you want with it.  Usually this assertive philosophy comes in the defense of abortion, but it rears its head in other arenas, as well.  Ladies, read this very carefully, that philosophy could not be more erroneous or contemptible or damnable.  It is of the world and not of God!

First of all, get the thought out of your mind that your body is your own.  Where did that humanistic idea get started?  There is nothing (not-one-thing) that we have (any of us, men or women!) that we did not receive from God (1 Cor. 4:7).  We are told plainly, “…Your body is…not your own.  For you were bought at a price” (1 Cor. 6:19).  God follows that revelation with this instruction:  “Therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s” (1 Cor. 6:20).  Here’s a question to consider: Is crushing a child in the womb and sucking it out of a woman’s body something that glorifies God “in your body”?  Additionally, ask this: If a woman’s body is not her own but belongs to God, does the child’s body within a woman’s body belong to that woman (i.e., her own) or to God?  Ladies, it is not your body (to do with freely as you please) and it is not your baby (to do with freely as you please)!

Secondly, consider how the word “choice” is thrown around so loosely in the context of abortion and how “one’s right to choose” is presented as sympathetic and compassionate justification for murdering an unborn child.  We are told that a woman should have “the right to choose” whether to have an abortion or not…whether to give birth to an unwanted child or not.  Absolutely amazing that a “woman’s right to make a choice” is emphasized in order to justify sin (murder) but that same “woman’s right to make a choice” is mocked when it is taught or exercised in order to avoid sin or prevent pregnancy in the first place.  Think about this.  Is not the action of having sex outside of marriage a sin?  Yes, it is (1 Cor. 6:15-18; Gal. 5:19-21; Heb. 13:4)!  But, does our society ever encourage a woman to exercise her “right to choose” and to not engage in sex outside of marriage?  Well, of course not!  But, if a woman would exercise her “right to choose” before ever having sex, then facing the choice of having an abortion would never become a reality.  Ladies, making a “choice” that is a violation of the will of Almighty God is not “your right” but is “your wrong”!

Think about this all-encompassing directive: “Therefore…whatever you do, do all to the glory of God” (1 Cor. 10:31).  All we do (men and women) and every choice we make is to be to the glory of God and not the glory of self!  May God help us submit to His will and not our own!