Let's Go Back to the Bible

When I Skip Worship, I Miss Out

“I am so busy right now.  I need a day off.  I need a day for me.  I can’t do everything.  There’s just too much going on.  I’ll be there when I can, but I can’t guarantee anything.  Really, missing is not too big a deal.”

Some Christians will offer a variety of reasons as to why they do not attend the worship services of the church regularly.  And, since many of us have become so accustomed in our daily lives to offering reasons why we cannot fulfill various responsibilities, it almost comes naturally to come up with reasons why we cannot assemble with the saints.  But, the reality is that when I am not at worship with my brethren, I am missing out!

· I am missing out on worshiping my God!
· I am missing out on drawing closer to my God!
· I am missing out on communing with Jesus!
· I am missing out on showing my love to God by giving!
· I am missing out on being fed from God’s Word!
· I am missing out on hearing my brethren say, “Amen!”
· I am missing out on hearing my brethren sing!
· I am missing out on seeing my brethren smile!
· I am missing out on enjoying some sweet fellowship!
· I am missing out on growing in my faith and devotion!
· I am missing out on encouraging my brethren!
· I am missing out on being uplifted by my brethren!
· I am missing out on the best handshakes and hugs!
· I am missing out on being around the greatest people!
· I am missing out on experiencing a foretaste of heaven!
· I am missing out on starting my week off right!
· I am missing out on what really matters!
· I am missing out on being in God’s presence!

There is no way to fully capture or itemize every blessing that a Christian enjoys and shares when he assembles with his Christian family.  But, we must come to understand and appreciate that we miss a whole lot more than just “a service” when we choose to not assemble with the church.  We miss out on the only thing that matters in this life!  How successful could I be in convincing someone else (let alone God Himself) that Christ and His church are FIRST in my life if I allow other things (which are NOT first) to take precedence over my so-called “First”?

But here’s something encouraging to consider.  When I do attend worship services every week, I get to experience everything listed above (reverse each one) that others are missing.  Go back.  Read each item above.  And rejoice!