Let's Go Back to the Bible

What Makes Palm Beach Lakes “A Special Place”

Hopefully every congregation of the Lord’s church believes that they are “a special congregation.”  This should never be as a matter of pride, but because every congregation of the Lord’s church belongs to the Lord Himself, as “a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people” (1 Pet. 2:9).  That is what makes any congregation “special.”  But, specifically, what makes Palm Beach Lakes “a special place”?

Palm Beach Lakes is special because of the people! Pure and simple.  The church is the people!   Palm Beach Lakes would not be special without the people!  But, what is it about the people?

Palm Beach Lakes is special because the members, while tremendously diverse, are truly one! Having been “reconciled into one body” where we “are all one in Christ Jesus” are not just first-century concepts to PBL members; they are twenty-first century objectives!  One visiting preacher—after observing not only the diversity of the membership but how everyone worked together as equals—commented, “This congregation is like a little United Nations.”

Palm Beach Lakes is special because the members truly care for one another! “Love one another” and “esteem others better than himself” are not just commands to be followed at PBL; they are a way of living!  Truly, “if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it; or if one member is honored, all the members rejoice with it” (1 Cor. 12:26).  The members want the best for each other and seek opportunities to show the best for each other.

Palm Beach Lakes is special because the members truly have a strong devotion to truth! “Preach the word” and “abide in the doctrine of Christ” are not a thing of the ancient past at PBL; they are a demand of the heart of this church!  For decades and decades, the preaching and teaching that has resonated within the assemblies and classes of this church have sought to “seek the old paths” and “speak as the oracles of God.”  And, members of PBL have never settled for anything less.

Palm Beach Lakes is special because the members truly respect and follow the shepherds! “Shepherd the flock of God” and “obey those who rule over you” are not words that are spurned at PBL; they are words that are expected!  A unique relationship exists at PBL between the shepherds and the members.  It is not perfect, as none of the people involved are perfect.  But, it has long been a relationship of mutual trust, respect and agape love.

PBL is special.  The one person who makes it that way is Jesus.  No other single person can be credited!  But, what has made it uniquely special through the years are the people!