Let's Go Back to the Bible

Thank God for Bible Class Teachers!

One of the largest and most important groups in the church is a collection of unsung heroes, who pour their hearts and souls into their labors, and often go unrecognized for all that they do.  To all Bible Class Teachers, who teach our children week in and week out, we thank God for you!

We thank God for Bible Class Teachers because they teach our children the Bible! There are a lot of people teaching our kids a lot of things, but only a very small collection of heroes teaching them the Bible!

We thank God for Bible Class Teachers because they teach our children only the Bible! In some churches, “Bible class time” is filled with a myriad of games and activities that have no Bible connection at all, but it keeps the children entertained for 45 minutes (almost like a babysitting service).

We thank God for Bible Class Teachers because they give and give, sacrificing time and energies, with very little in return! Of course, there are personal satisfactions derived from teaching the Bible and great joy found in serving others, but teachers are some of the hardest working members in the church, spending untold hours in preparations before ever stepping into the classroom to teach.

We thank God for Bible Class Teachers because they take on a difficult task and are sometimes “used and abused”! Is there a more difficult task in the church than teaching children?  You’d be hard-pressed to find one, especially with kids today.  The level of difficulty involved in this endeavor often leads to few volunteers, which usually leads to teachers being called upon more often and asked to teach for longer periods of time.  (Side note:  We need more teachers!)

We thank God for Bible Class Teachers because they have hearts full of love for children and they long to make a difference in children’s lives! The memories that grown-ups often have of “church when they were a child” are focused on their Bible class teachers.  Teachers today are making a lasting impression on the hearts of these kids…maybe an eternal one!

One of the hardest things about being a teacher is the dearth of appreciation that is shown to them.  This is not always the case, but often times a teacher will throw themselves into teaching a class (and make all the necessary sacrifices to do it right), but he/she may receive few (if any) expressions of thanks and genuine gratitude.  Sometimes all they receive is criticism and complaints.

To all Bible Class Teachers: We may not have done it right in the past and we may fail again in the future, but we want you to know how much we appreciate all that you do for our children, in teaching them the precious Word of God!