Let's Go Back to the Bible

Seizing Opportunities to Lead

How much of an impact are you having on others through your life?  Are you just coasting along on cruise control, or are you actively taking every occasion you can to positively influence people around you?

Harry S. Truman, the thirty-third President of the United States, once made the following statement.  Pay close attention to the last part of this quote:  “Men make history and not the other way around.  In periods where there is no leadership, society stands still.  Progress occurs when courageous, skillful leaders seize the opportunity to change things for the better.”  Think about that for a moment.  Do you agree with it?

Some people might say, “Well, I’m not a leader, so this doesn’t apply to me,” but I would beg to differ with you.  “Progress” is defined as “movement forward or toward a place; the process of improving or developing something over a period of time.”  Do you have the power to influence “progress”?  If you’re not sure about that, let me help you.  The answer is, “Yes.  God gave you that power!”  Consider where that power is needed today.

Courageous leaders are needed in our marriages today to seize the opportunity to change things for the better. Will you be the spouse who steps up and helps your marriage progress toward a healthier and stronger relationship that is closer to God than it ever has been?  If not you, who?

Courageous leaders are needed in our families today to seize the opportunity to change things for the better. Will you be the father, the mother, the adult child, the teenage child who will step up and help your family to progress toward a more godly environment in the home and a closer walk with the Lord each and every day?  If not you, who?

Courageous leaders are needed in our churches today to seize the opportunity to change things for the better. Will you be the elder who fosters those one-on-one relationships that are essential between shepherds and sheep?  Will you be the preacher who stands for truth and holds up Jesus and His precious book?  Will be the member who considers other members, in order to motivate them unto greater heights of love and good works?  If not you, who?

Courageous leaders are needed in our communities today to seize the opportunity to change things for the better. In our schools, workplaces, civic organizations and public offices, will you be the Christian who steps up, when no one else will, to promote and fight for Biblical morality and godly values?  If not you, who?

How are you using your God-given power to seize opportunities around you and influence lives for the better?