Let's Go Back to the Bible

Revive Us Again/Soldiers of Christ

The front page has two logos you will be seeing often throughout this year. Both of them were introduced this past Sunday as we assembled for our first service in 2009. We believe the year ahead can be one of the greatest in this history of the New Year.

Revive Us Again is the theme we shall use this year to remind us how easily we can become complacent in the service we give to our Lord. It is designed to challenge each one of us to look within ourselves to recall those special times of deep commitment and spirituality and then to make a determined effort to revive those times. The Biblical illustration of this is the church at Ephesus in the book of Revelation. They had not departed from the Lord. They were holding steadfastly to truth in dealing with false apostles and false teachers like the Nicolaitans (Rev. 2:1-6). However, that loving devotion they had in past years had been lost—they had “left their first love.” God’s solution was for them to (1) remember where they once were, (2) repent and (3) begin working like they did at the first. Now think about this as it applies to you and to this church. Let’s work to truly make this a year of revival!

Soldiers of Christ is the description we are giving to our new focus on Sunday evenings. This past Sunday we urged every member to make a special effort to be present on that night and so many showed up that we simply did not have enough material for every person. I’m not sure precisely how to describe the events of Sunday evenings planned for this year, but I know what the results can be. If you missed it, just ask anyone who was hear to explain how we will sharpen swords, equip for service and march to heaven. They might also be able to explain military dog tags, field manuals and medal of honors that are part of the effort.

Mission Sunday is the last Sunday of this month where we focus on getting the gospel to the lost world. Beginning this Sunday, you will be hearing details of all we have been able to do with the special contributions given in the past and learn of the great challenges which lie before us. The fact that our nation is facing difficult financial situations simply highlights how we all need to keep our priorities in order. The world is lost and He depends on us to tell others of the cross. He has blessed us so abundantly and we must share what He has given us with others.

A great year lies before us. “Revive us again!”