Let's Go Back to the Bible

Our Amazing Visitors

This Sunday marks the beginning of four days of feasting on the Word of God. Jesus fed the multitude with loaves and fishes, but the real feast was in those messages He gave to them.  The same is true of us. We will eat together, but the real feast is to sit at the feet of one who has sat at the feet of Jesus. It will be a remarkable four days.

The theme of these lessons this week will be Simply Amazing. Each of them has the word amazing in its title. They will be delivered by Glenn Colley of Huntsville, Alabama, who has great ability to make the Word of God “simply amazing” and come alive.

One of the great blessings of weeks like this is the fact that there will be so many visitors. We expect many who have come before to return, and we have worked diligently to get many first-time visitors to be with us. In view of this, let me speak to each visitor.

Visitors, you are so welcome to join us in these times of devotion to God.  We have found the amazing joy of simply being Christians, and we want to share that joy with you. You will see this joy in the way you are made special guests in our time together. We urge you to stay and eat with us after our Sunday morning worship. The same is true of each of our services—come early and let’s sit and eat before the real “feast.”

Visitors, our time of worship may at first seem different from what you may have experienced before. We come together with our worship being God-centered and not man-centered. Our singing together does not focus on the musical ability of gifted vocalists, but everyone present is urged to participate in singing spiritual songs. After all, the real audience does not sit in pews listening to others perform—the real audience is in heaven, and deity listens as all our hearts and voices reach upward, not outward.

This Sunday, we will gather around the Lord’s table and eat the Lord’s Supper. The bread and the fruit of the vine will be shared. We do this every Sunday, because the Bible shows that is the way Jesus taught men to do it. It may seem different, but we really want to be His church.

Visitors, you are among people who have a genuine concern for others. Enjoy your worship. Stay for lunch today. Take any of the booklets in the foyer, because they are for you. If you have questions, ask them. If you would like a video of today’s sermon, we will give it to you.

Visitors, we hope you will come again. This special time of studying things which are Simply Amazing continues through Wednesday night. Join us in worship this week and every week. Let’s study the Bible together and learn more about how He wants us to live.