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Mountain-Top Words for Us to Hear

With less than six months until His death, Jesus took Peter, James and John “up on a high mountain by themselves,” and there Jesus “was transfigured before them.  His face shone like the sun, and His clothes became as white as the light.  And behold, Moses and Elijah appeared to them, talking with Him” (Matt. 17:1-3).  They “spoke of His decease which He was about to accomplish in Jerusalem…Then it happened, as they were parting from Him, that Peter said to Jesus, ‘Master, it is good for us to be here; and let us make three tabernacles: one for You, one for Moses, and one for Elijah’—not knowing what he said.  While he was saying this, a cloud came and overshadowed them; and they were fearful as they entered the cloud.  And a voice came out of the cloud…” (Luke 9:31-35).

Can you imagine being there?  Can you imagine seeing this sight?  Can you imagine hearing a voice come out of a cloud?  Would the voice have your attention?  Would you hang on every syllable that was spoken?  When the disciples heard the words spoken from the cloud, “they fell on their faces and were greatly afraid” (Matt. 17:6).  Whatever the voice from heaven said was certainly for Jesus’ benefit, but even more, the few words that were spoken were chosen specifically for these three disciples on the mountain.  What did God say?

God identified.  The God of heaven said, “This is My beloved Son” (Matt. 19:5).   There were six men on that mountain—two esteemed prophets and three apostles, plus Jesus.  In reality, they were all “children of God,” however, only one was deity!  The finger of heaven pointed to and elevated Jesus over these other men, as “God…manifested in the flesh” (1 Tim. 3:16).  They all needed to hear that (including us)!

God invigorated.  The God of heaven said, “…in whom I am well pleased” (Matt. 19:5).  Pleasure existed in the Godhead from eternity, and as God the Son carried out the will of the Godhead on this earth, this “confirmed” “the prophetic word” which had foretold of these events (2 Pet. 1:16-19; Matt. 12:18).  They all needed to hear that (including us)!

God instructed.  The God of heaven said, “Hear Him!”  While the lawgiver (Moses) and the prophet (Elijah) stood on that mountain, there was one (the Son) who possessed preeminence over these servants!  While the first two statements were spoken at His baptism (Matt. 3:17), these last two words were added here to exalt the Christ and to announce His supreme authority and to call all men to heed His words!  They all needed to hear that (including us)!

These words would have been meaningful for Jesus to hear.  These words would have been impressive for the apostles to hear.  These words are imperative for us to hear.