Let's Go Back to the Bible

Life Matters!

We are living in interesting times.  News feeds explode when a lion is hunted down and killed or when a dog is beaten to death by teenagers.  Cruelty to animals is a hot-button issue in this nation, and the media seems to stoke that fire every time it has the opportunity, but this same media will ignore the killing of innocent babies.  Unfortunately, way too many people today allow the media (and social media) to influence their thoughts and beliefs, and so the divide between concern for animal lives and the concern for unborn human lives grows wider.

This same media seems to want to make every interracial activity or incident to be something “racial.”  As a result, racial tensions have escalated in many parts of our country, and not based upon reality but usually upon perception or even drummed-up hype.  This has led to protests and disputes throughout the nation about which “lives matter,” as if some lives are more important, more valuable or more needed than others.  To put things into perspective, two fellow police officers (of two different races) posted a photo in which they had written a message on their hands, “His life matters.”  With all of the arguing back and forth, it seems that folks have totally lost sight of a very fundamental truth—“All lives matter!”  This includes every race and every gender, outside or inside the womb!

Even after substantial video proof is released that exposes the vile nature of what happens in abortion clinics, many in politics and the media rush to cover it up, explain it away and even suppress it.  “There’s nothing to see here,” they want you to believe.  And, like dutiful little sheep, so many around us fall in line and defend the despicable practice.

What is a Christian to do?  With so many different issues (and major issues, at that) bombarding us, how should a Christian respond?  First, remember that “life matters!”  Life is a gift from God (Acts 17:25); therefore, life (no matter whose it is) must be respected and cherished.  Second, remember that God loves every person (no matter who it is) and Jesus died for every person (no matter who it is) (John 3:16; Heb. 2:9; 1 Tim. 2:4-6); therefore, the soul of every person is equally valuable (Matt. 16:26).  Third, remember that the gospel is for all (Mark 16:15) and has the power to change and save any and every person (Rom. 1:16; 1 Tim. 1:12-16); therefore, we must unashamedly share the gospel with every living soul.  Fourth, remember that Jesus is the answer to every problem, issue and tragedy of life (John 14:6; Acts 4:12); therefore, we must point every living soul to Him.  Fifth, remember that children of God are the only light that exists in this dark world (Matt. 5:16; Eph. 5:8); therefore, we must not be ashamed to let our light shine forth for the glory of God.  In God’s eyes, your life matters!  In His eyes, every life matters!