Let's Go Back to the Bible

Kids Learn Even When They’re Not in a Classroom

Homecoming Weekend brought back some fond memories of Palm Beach Lakes from years gone by. Having grown up at Palm Beach Lakes, I’ve known no other congregation like PBL. Even more, having grown up at Palm Beach Lakes, I’ve only known one way for a family and for children to be involved in a local congregation. While I would not claim that my parents or family were perfect, I do believe they had it right.

For more than two decades, my grandparents served as the custodians for the church over on 36th Street. While cleaning the church facilities may have been their “job,” the precise and selfless manner in which they did this “job” reflected the utmost importance that the Lord and His church had in their lives. I had the fortunate privilege to help them clean up, pick up, straighten up, set up, fill up, lock up (46 doors), and even mow the grass. I thank God that I grew up in a family where I learned what “serving the Lord” really means.

For eighteen years, my father served as a deacon.  I can remember, not just projects that he worked on as a deacon, but those projects in which I got to help—building benches and stage extensions, painting projects, maintenance work, repair jobs, Bible studies, visiting our visitors and new members (so many things I cannot even begin to list them). I thank God that I grew up in a family where I learned what “serving the Lord” really means.

For more than 30 years, my mother served as a teacher, a nursery attendant, worked in the Resource Library and prepared the communion trays (along with many other things of which I am not even aware). I remember helping in the Resource Library; filling, emptying and cleaning communion trays regularly; taking food to the elderly and needy; hosting church dinners and events; etc. I thank God that I grew up in a family where I learned what “serving the Lord” really means.

Some have grown up (advancing in age) at PBL by attending worship services; others have grown up (in age and spirituality) at PBL by working and serving.  My family was not perfect (and I’m not trying to hold them up as such), but I think they had it right. Their unstated philosophy was probably something like this—“Get the kids involved in working and serving in the church while they’re young and hopefully it will stick when they get old.”  Hmm…sounds like Proverbs 22:6. I pray my own children will learn what “serving the Lord” really means.