Let's Go Back to the Bible

If You Say It Long Enough and Loud Enough…

We are living in a society that believes and has been irreparably affected by a philosophy that asserts, “If you say it long enough and loud enough, it will be accepted as truth.”  It doesn’t matter what “it” is, either.  “It” can be some far-out or contemptible idea, but (remember the philosophy) just say it “long enough and loud enough” and people will accept it.

Darwinian evolution is being taught to our children. Less than 200 years ago, a man began to claim that the complex human body was nothing more than the product of a multi-million year evolution from a single-celled amoeba.  Oh, and to support his claim, he did not have a single shred of evidence.  But, he said it long enough and loud enough, and he got others to say it with him, so now that damnable heresy is being taught as truth to our children.  Who would have ever thought that to be possible?

Homosexual relations are being presented as normal and even “the latest, coolest trend.” In 1987, two gay men published an article entitled, “The Overhauling of Straight America,” in which they stated, “The first order of business is desensitization of the American public concerning gays and gay rights.”  Think about that word, “desensitization.”  If you talk about “gay rights” long enough and loud enough, and then if you promote “gay marriage” long enough and loud enough, people will become “desensitized” to it and will just begin to accept it.  Now, we live in a society where this “vile,” “unnatural,” “shameful” “error” (all words from Romans 1:26-28) is praised, glorified, venerated and recommended wholeheartedly to our children.  Who would have ever thought that to be possible?

Just go down the list of things that are bringing down our society today—murdering unwanted babies, drinking parties, college campus orgies, denigration of marriage, fatherless homes, marijuana, etc., etc.  At some point in our past history, sinful behaviors and lifestyles were seen as sinful.  But, over time, just parade these things in front of people over and over, do it long enough and loud enough, and people will be convinced to accept whatever is being sold!

Brethren, we cannot remain silent! When error and unrighteousness is the only voice that is being heard, it won’t take long until error and unrighteousness are “the norm” and “the truth” that everyone accepts.  You may think that God’s truth doesn’t have much of a chance today, but what would happen if we all spoke the truth and stood for the truth “long enough and loud enough” for people to hear it over and over?  Do you think that truth could win?  Let us say:  “I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for IT is the power of God!