Let's Go Back to the Bible

Husbands and Wives, You Are Not Your Own Anymore!

When a cardboard box contains delicate materials, the outside will often be stamped, “Handle With Care.”  There are some Bible subjects like that—requiring care when handling.  But it is important to remember that “Handle With Care” does not mean “Don’t Touch and Stay Completely Away”—as applied to a cardboard box or a Bible subject.

The subject of sexual relations within marriage is one of those subjects (1) that makes us a bit uncomfortable, therefore, (2) we stay away from it and (3) often miss the beauty that God wants us to see and understand.  The first several verses of First Corinthians 7 provide some insight and instructions into the physical relationship between a husband and wife.  All Christians (especially married ones and those who will one day be married) would do well to read them, understand them and apply them as necessary.

A husband and wife are the only ones who have a right to have sex with one another. The city of Corinth was morally bankrupt and sexual immorality (illicit sexual intercourse) was common.  Paul explained that one reason for a man and woman to marry was to enjoy sexual relations and avoid sexual sin.  Let each have “his own wife” and “her own husband” is describing God’s plan for a married man and married woman to enjoy each other sexually.

A husband and wife have a mutual responsibility for sexual relations within their marriage. “The husband must fulfill his duty to his wife, and likewise also the wife to her husband” (7:3, NASB).  Note the imperative—this is not a suggestion.  Selflessness is to be practiced in a marriage, including when it comes to the marriage bed.  Agape love, which permeates all aspects of marriage, “does not seek its own” (1 Cor. 13:5).  Mr. Husband and Mrs. Wife, God tells you to fulfill your responsibility in your bedroom.

A husband and wife have a mutual authority in their sexual relations. Mutual authority is not found in all parts of marriage (cf. Eph. 5:23).  But, when it comes to God’s special gift, the husband and the wife do not have “authority over [his/her] own body,” but the spouse does (1 Cor. 7:4).  Neither has the right (authority) to refuse the other.  This is not condoning force or bargaining, as there must be “consent” to engage and “consent” to restrain (7:5).  But, every husband and every wife needs to read these verses carefully—you have a responsibility to fulfill your spouse’s sexual needs whenever he or she needs those fulfilled, and you do not have the right to deny, for that authority over your own body is no longer yours.

God designed a precious bond only to be enjoyed by a husband and his wife!  Let’s be sure to “handle with care.”