Let's Go Back to the Bible

How Do You Take Your Coffee?

Coffee used to be much simpler.  Then came the big, commercial coffee houses and things sure got more complex (and complicated).  So, how do you take your coffee?

Decaf.  Straight black.  Cream and two sugars.  Shot of espresso.  Iced.  Frappuccino.  Cappuccino.  Americano.  Macchiato.  Latte.  Mocha.  Dark Chocolate Peppermint Mocha.  Tall Two Pump Mocha Blended Cream Frappuccino.  Venti Black No Room.  Sure is different than it used to be!

This got me to thinking—how do we “take” a lot of things today, especially the important things?

How do you “take God”? Do you take His “loving” side or His “exacting” side?  Do you take His “goodness” or His “severity”?  Do you take Him when it’s convenient, when you’re in trouble, when you have no other choice, or all the time?

How do you “take God’s Word”? Do you take it as inspired or merely inspiring?  Do you take it as infallible or as questionable?  Do you take it as authoritative or as suggestion?  Do you take it as understandable or as confusing?  Do you take it as essential or as discretional?  Do you take it when you have no where else to go or because there is no where else to go?

How do you “take God’s church”? Do you take it as Divine or as manmade?  Do you take it as identifiable or as indistinguishable?  Do you take it as singular or as multiple choice?  Do you take it as Christ-regulated or as human-regulated?  Do you take it as imperative or as optional?  Do you take it when its suitable for you, when its needful for you or as your top priority?

How do you “take God’s worship”? Do you take it seriously or dismissively?  Do you take it as a priority or as a possibility?  Do you take it yearningly or grudgingly?  Do you take it as Scripturally authorized or as culturally attractive?  Do you take it weekly, monthly, annually, when things are good, when things are bad or “every time the doors are open”?

How do you “take God’s narrow path to heaven”? Do you take it as an absolute or as an anecdote?  Do you take it with solemnity or with speculation?  Do you take it as an admonition or as an exaggeration?  Do you take it as a requirement or an option?

We live in a world where things are not as simple as they used to be—from coffee to religion.  There are so many different ideas about God, His Word, the church, worship and the narrow path to heaven that it may seem that any idea will do.  However, there is only one way to “take” all of these matters—God’s way!  Let’s go back to the original, simple plan!