Let's Go Back to the Bible

His Glory in His Temple Is Not Found in Gold

Last week we looked at the work David did to gather much of the material for the temple his son, Solomon, was to build. That temple was adorned magnificently because it was built by 183,000 laborers working for seven years. Read the details about it, and you will discover how much gold was used to construct it. It was almost equal to all the gold in Ft. Knox. The estimated value for the cost of all material used to build the temple is $240,381,000,000.

When Solomon dedicated the temple, the visible manifestation of God coming down and entering it was like what happened at Mt. Sinai when He entered the tabernacle. They literally saw the presence of God entering both of these buildings. Tragically, one great truth was overlooked by those who later worshiped at the temple. It is a truth so many have failed to see in our day. The grandeur of that temple has nothing to do with its appearance. The greatness of that temple is that God was present within it. We would be so much wiser if we comprehended this truth.

What happened to that temple? A far greater question is why Nebuchadnezzar was used by God to destroy it and to carry its gold furnishings to Babylon. As you read how rapidly the Jews left God following Solomon’s death you will readily see the answer. For the next 300 years they worshipped idols (sometimes with the idols being brought into the temple) and there were only four righteous kings who ruled over them.

How did God respond to such gross mockery of His Holy Place and His Most Holy Place? God is good; He is merciful; He is longsuffering—but He is not mocked. “God is not mocked, for whatever a man sows that he shall also reap” (Gal. 6:7). In a vision, Ezekiel described what he saw just before the temple was razed and the prophet shows why it happened.

Read Ezekiel 9-11 as he described what he saw. The glory of God departed from the ark of the covenant and its golden cherub and went to the door of the temple Solomon had built. It paused at the threshold once he saw the cloud and the brilliant light in the temple. However, it only paused at the door, for Ezekiel saw the glory of God leave that building and go to a mountain on the east side of Jerusalem. God will not be mocked. God will not abide in the midst of a rebellious nation. The Lord who was in His holy temple left it.

His glory is not found in our buildings. We glory in the earthly material aspects of what we offer to Him. Solomon’s temple is no more (neither is Herod’s). His Spirit departed from it, but today He has another temple in which His glory is found today (Eph. 3:20-21). Think about it!