Let's Go Back to the Bible

Here a Soul, There a Soul, Everywhere a Soul!

Everywhere we go, we see people!  We see old people and really old people.  We see young people and really young people.  We see people who are just average age.  We see red and yellow, black and white people.  We see fun people, boring people, smart people, dumb people, big people, little people, fast people, slow people, nice people, mean people.  Everywhere we go, we see all kinds of people!

As diverse as people are today (and they seem to be growing more and more diverse with the passing of time), there is something that every one of them still has in common.  It is something that man has had in common since the beginning of time, and will have in common until the end of time.  Every human being has a soul—the eternal part of him that will live beyond this world after the body dies.  Let me ask you a question:  Do you seriously believe that?  Do you seriously believe that EVERY person you meet has a soul?

When you leave your house in the morning, the neighbor walking her dog has a soul.  As you drive to work, the guy texting and driving has a soul.  The lady lipsticking and driving has a soul.  The bus driver has a soul.  The guy pumping gas on the other side of the fuel dispenser has a soul.

When you get to work or school, the guy who took up two parking spots has a soul.  The man who held the door for you has a soul.  The lady who came in and emptied the trash overnight has a soul.  The woman with that annoying loud laugh while yacking on her cell phone has a soul.  The person who got the wrong number and called you by mistake has a soul.  The mean kid in all of your classes has a soul.

When you are out around town, the guy in front of you in line has a soul.  The lady having trouble scanning an item at the register has a soul.  The person taking your order and trying to be polite has a soul.  The inattentive worker who got your order wrong has a soul.  The boy stocking the shelves has a soul.

When you need their services, your car mechanic has a soul.  Your barber has a soul.  Your insurance agent has a soul.  Your accountant has a soul.  Your taxi driver has a soul.  Your flight attendant has a soul.  Your garbage man has a soul.  Your mailman has a soul.  Your computer tech has a soul.  Your refrigerator repairman has a soul.  Your HOA “commando” has a soul.

Every friend on Facebook has a soul.  Every online gamer has a soul.   Every contact in your cell phone has a soul.  Every eye with which you will make contact today has a soul.

Everywhere we go, we see people!  More importantly, everywhere we go, we need to see souls!  Do we take that seriously?  Do we truly believe that EVERY person has a soul?